ResourcesHow Employee Parking Plans Can Benefit You

Published 18 Jun 2021

How Employee Parking Plans Can Benefit You

Parking problems, like congestion or a lack of accessible parking, have the potential to stir up a great deal of tension. Tenants, employees, customers, and tourists vie for available parking in New York City on a day-to-day basis.

How Does It Work?

Do your employees a great kindness by saving them the hassle of finding reliable parking in Manhattan. Here are just a few perks of providing corporate parking for employees.


Promote Good Habits

The average U.S. driver will spend as many as 17 hours annually looking for a parking spot. Those 17 hours amount to $345 in lost time, emissions, and fuel costs. If you task employees with finding a spot day-in and day-out, you will likely feel the brunt of that cost — with multiple employees — over time.

That is where employee parking plans come in. One of the very best perks of employee parking plans is availability. Employees will always have a place to park. That means that you and your staff members will receive fewer calls from employees on their way into work about driving around trying to find a spot. Available parking — or lack thereof — will not affect employees’ ability to come into work on time and it certainly won’t be a regular excuse day after day.

Plus, if an employee is going to be very late, take a half-day, or call in sick, you will have plenty of parking available for the person covering for them as well.


Keep Employees Happy

While it’s true that employee parking plans benefit you by encouraging employees to find parking quickly and be on time, corporate parking also keeps your workers happy.

No one likes circling around, again and again, to see if a parking spot has opened up, nor do they like parking long distances away from where they need to be because that was the only available spot. Both scenarios can put your employees in a bad mood before they even walk through the door. Corporate parking solves this problem and increases job satisfaction.


Use Parking as an Extra Incentive

Many employees feel extra motivated by winning awards like ‘Employee of the Month’ and getting little perks from that title, like a parking spot especially close to the building. Designate a coveted spot, and let employees know that it is up for grabs based on their work performance.

Keep employees happy, on time, and extra motivated by investing in corporate parking or employee parking plans.

How Does It Work?

Icon Parking Garage Innovations

You might be thinking, “Just how innovative can a parking garage experience be?” The answer? Quite a bit! Icon Parking’s mobile app and nearly 200 locations around New York City offer seamless access to secure parking spaces wherever you are, whenever you need it — but that’s just the start. Learn about the tech, touches, and services we’ve added to our locations to make it easier than ever to experience the best of New York.


How Does It Work?

How do I make an online payment?

You can make a payment through your online account on the website,


How Does It Work?

4 Great Reasons to Utilize a Parking App

Finding a parking spot in Manhattan can be a daunting task. Parking can be a nightmare whether you are a resident, commuter, or just visiting. According to USA Today, drivers in the U.S. spend an average of 17 hours per year, hunting for parking spots, which adds up to an estimated $345 per driver in wasted time, fuel, and emissions. However, with the advent of technology, parking has become more accessible and less stressful. A parking app is a technological solution that enables you to find a parking spot quickly and conveniently. Here are four great reasons to use an Icon Parking app in Manhattan.


How Does It Work?

How do I enroll in Autopay?

To set up automatic payments, click on LOGIN/SIGN UP near the top-right corner of the Icon home page


How Does It Work?

Easy and Safe Parking With the NYC Parking App

NYC is a great place to live, work, and visit, but the parking is a nightmare unless you have the NYC parking app that makes parking simple. New York City is a crowded place with a limited number of parking spots. The NYC parking app will ensure that finding parking in NYC is not an issue. About two-fifths of New York State’s population lives and/or works in NYC. Therefore, there is a lot of competition for parking.


How Does It Work?

How do I request for my vehicle to be ready for pickup?

This feature is currently only available through the Icon Go mobile app. To request your vehicle for pickup through the app:
